Martial Arts Redcliffe | Elite Martial Arts – Elite MMA Gym

Technical Muay Thai & Kickboxing

Elite MTIA Muay Thai

Muay Thai is pronounced [mūa̯j tʰāj] or Thai boxing is a combat sport from Thailand that uses stand-up striking along with various clinching techniques This physical and mental discipline which includes combat on shins is known as “the art of eight limbs” because it is characterized by the combined use of fists, elbows, knees, shins, being associated with a good physical preparation that makes a full-contact fighter very efficient. Muay Thai became widespread internationally in the twentieth century, when practitioners defeated notable practitioners of other martial arts. The professional league is governed by The Professional Boxing Association of Thailand (P.A.T) sanctioned by The Sport Authority of Thailand (S.A.T.), and World Muaythai Federation (WMF) overseas.

In Australia the main body is Muay Thai Australia which has become known as the MTA.  The MTA also works very closely with IFMA Australia which has now been recognized by the IOC.

Elite Muay Thai owes its lineage back to Master Toddy, who introduced Muay Thai to the UK in the early 70’s.  Jeff Bullock was one of Master Toddy’s students at that time, and still is only recently completing his Ajarn Master of Muay Thai Course.

Punching (Chok)

Jabหมัดหน้า/หมัดแย็บMat na/Mat yaep [màt nâ]
CrossหมัดตรงMat trong [màt troŋ]
Hookหมัดเหวี่ยงสั้นMat wiang san [màt wìəŋ sân]
Overhand (boxing)หมัดเหวี่ยงยาวMat wiang yao [màt wìəŋ jaːw]
Spinning Backfistหมัดเหวี่ยงกลับMat wiang klap [màt wìəŋ klàp]
Uppercutหมัดเสย/หมัดสอยดาวMat soei/Mat soi dao [màt sɤ̌j],  [màt sɔ̌j daːw]
Superman punchกระโดดชกKradot chok [kradòːt tɕʰók]

Elbow (Sok)

Elbow Slashศอกตี (ศอกสับ)Sok ti [sɔ̀ːk tiː]
Horizontal ElbowศอกตัดSok tat [sɔ̀ːk tàt]
Uppercut ElbowศอกงัดSok ngat [sɔ̀ːk ŋát]
Forward Elbow Thrustศอกพุ่งSok phung [sɔ̀ːk pʰûŋ]
Reverse Horizontal Elbowศอกเหวี่ยงกลับ (ศอกกระทุ้ง)Sok wiang klap [sɔ̀ːk wìəŋ klàp]
Spinning ElbowศอกกลับSok klap [sɔ̀ːk klàp]
Double Elbow Chopศอกกลับคู่Sok klap khu [sɔ̀ːk klàp kʰûː]
Mid-Air Elbow StrikeกระโดดศอกKradot sok [kradòːt sɔ̀ːk]

Kicking (Teh)

Muay Thai boxer delivering a kick
Straight KickเตะตรงTeh troeng [tèʔ troŋ]
Roundhouse KickเตะตัดTeh tat [tèʔ tàt]
Diagonal KickเตะเฉียงTeh chiang [tèʔ tɕʰǐəŋ]
Half-Shin, Half-Knee Kickเตะครึ่งแข้งครึ่งเข่าTeh khrueng khang khrueng khao [tèʔ kʰrɯ̂ŋ kʰɛ̂ŋ kʰrɯ̂ŋ kʰàw]
Reverse Roundhouse KickเตะกลับหลังTeh glap hlang [tèʔ klàp lǎŋ]
Down Roundhouse KickเตะกดTeh gote [tèʔ kòt]
Axe Heel Kickเตะเข่าTeh khao [tèʔ kʰàw]
Jump KickกระโดดเตะGradode teh [kradòːt tèʔ]
Step-Up KickเขยิบเตะKhayoep teh [kʰa.jɤ̀p tèʔ]

Knee (Ti Khao)

Straight Knee Strikeเข่าตรงKhao trong [kʰàw troŋ]
Diagonal Knee Strikeเข่าเฉียงKhao chiang [kʰàw tɕʰǐəŋ]
Curving Knee Strikeเข่าโค้งKhao khong [kʰàw kʰóːŋ]
Horizontal Knee Strikeเข่าตัดKhao tat [kʰàw tàt]
Knee Slapเข่าตบKhao top [kʰàw tòp]
Knee Bombเข่ายาวKhao yao [kʰàw jaːw]
Flying Kneeเข่าลอยKhao loi [kʰàw lɔːj]
Step-Up Knee Strikeเข่าเหยียบKhao yiap [kʰàw jìəp]